Meaghan Mingo and Anna R. Haskins. 2020. “Mass Incarceration in the United States and Its Collateral Consequences.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Sociology. Ed. Lynette Spillman. New York: Oxford University Press.
Waller, Maureen, Lenna Nepomnyaschy, Daniel R. Miller, and Meaghan Mingo. 2020. “Using a Narrative Approach to Analyze Longitudinal Mixed Methods Data.” Journal of Mixed Methods Research.
Haskins, Anna, Mariana Amorim, and Meaghan Mingo. 2018. “Parental Incarceration and Child Outcomes: Those at Risk, Evidence of Impacts, Methodological Insights, and Areas of Future Work.” Sociology Compass 12(3).
Mingo, Meaghan and Anna Haskins. 2020. Teaching & Learning Guide for: Parental incarceration and child outcomes: Those at risk, evidence of impacts, methodological insights, and areas of future work. Sociology Compass.
Bowleg, Lisa, Meaghan Mingo, and Jenné S. Massie. 2013. “The skill is using your big head over your little head”: What black heterosexual men say they know, want, and need to prevent HIV. American Journal of Men’s Health 7(4):31S–42S.
Selected Presentations
Meaghan Mingo. 2020. “They Want Good Numbers”: How Race, Political Context, and Public Data Shape Views of Discipline in Middle Schools." Poster presentation at the Sociology of Education Association Annual Conference, Pacific Grove, CA.